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Dee Carter on

Name: Dee Carter

Age: 20

Speaks: English

Sex: female

Room Info: Like making new Connections,friends,lovers even if Virtual ones ;) I'm finding it quite exciting and fun !<br />I love touching my body,playing with myself when i'm great teased,seduced and stimulated !<br />Aiming to have and share the fun,pleasure,making you reaching with me that intense orgasm, no matter what we do : soft gentle play,tease or really getting it hard and strong thru my moans as you touch yourself,making both smile and breath so hot and deep !<br /><br />Don't be shy to interact with me;) Be gentle and careful with me :) i can be Sweet girl and also meany Evilish one ) hehe <br /><br />Don't even try to be rude,pushy or disrespectful to me, it turns me off , well i think you wouldn't either like that kind of attitude , so please control your excitment and don't cross the line :) <br />Try to not waste my time,like on routine chat, especiall in a public area, that's sometimes senseless .<br /><br />Don't Forget we are here for fun and Enjoy,you'll say it's for moneys? ME ONLY PARTIAL but i know moneys are nothing if there's no Fun and SMILES !<br /><br />Smile and enjoy with me ;)

Dee Carter

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